Call for projects

Our call for projects closed on March 8, 2024.

The Frontières Platform in Cannes

Co-presented by the Fantasia International Film Festival and the Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes, the Frontières Platform in Cannes is a dedicated section of industry programming & networking events for the genre film industry at the Marché du Film.

The Frontières Platform program includes:

Proof of Concept - Presentation of proof of concept videos from projects in advanced financing.

Buyers Showcase - Presentation of genre films in post-production, seeking sales agents. Sales agents, distributors and festival programmers are given an opportunity to discover genre films in progress.

Networking lunch - An invitation-only event for the Platform projects and industry.

Fantastic Night - Frontières is a partner of the Fantastic Night, a party dedicated to the genre film community.

2024 Dates

Saturday 18 May | 10:00 (Palais K) for Proof of Concept
Sunday 19 May | 16:00 (Palais K) for Buyers Showcase

*Note: a Marché du Film badge is required for entry; priority access will be given to buyers, sales agents, and distributors.

Call for projects

The call for projects for the 2025 edition of the Frontières Platform in Cannes will open in January 2025.


Selection requirements

  • projects must qualify as feature length
  • projects must qualify as “genre” in nature: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action, dark thriller
  • projects must in in a post-production stage
  • projects must be seeking sales agents or buyers
  • submissions can originate from any territory; priority will be given to submissions from North America and Europe.

Supporting documents required

  • video URL link of your work-in-progress (max. 15 mins)
  • long version of your synopsis (2 pages)
  • look book
  • current partners letters of intent or documented proof.

Your documents can be submitted in French or English.


  • participation fee (paid only if your project is selected) : CAD$ 200

Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participants.

Scholarships may be available through your national film fund. These scholarships may cover both the participation fee and the additional costs. Please contact your national film fund for more information.

Deadline to submit: March 8, 2024


Selection requirements

  • projects must qualify as feature length (narrative or documentary)
  • projects must qualify as “genre” in nature: horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action, dark thriller
  • projects must have at least 20% of their production financing confirmed; be seeking to close financing; and have yet to enter in to production
  • proof of concept video runtime must be 2-5 minutes in length
  • submissions can originate from any territory; priority will be given to submissions from North America and Europe.
  • at least one lead member of the team (director/lead producer) must be available to present the project in Cannes


  • Vimeo link to your original proof of concept video
  • long version of your synopsis (2 pages)
  • script
  • CVs of your Director(s), Producer(s) and other key members of your team
  • detailed budget & financing plan - Financing plan must include a breakdown of all contributions made by current financial partners, with copies of signed LOIs from these partners. You must also include an outline of potential strategies to close your financing gap
  • lookbook & supporting visuals (optional)

    Your documents can be submitted in French or English.


  • participation Fee (paid only if your project is selected) : CAD$ 200.

Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participants.

Scholarships may be available through your national film fund. These scholarships may cover both the participation fee and the additional costs. Please contact your national film fund for more information.

Deadline to submit: March 8, 2024

Questions about the Frontières Platform program? Contact

See also: the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes website.

The Frontières Platform in Cannes is presented by the Fantasia International Film Festival in collaboration with the Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, and is funded by Telefilm Canada and SODEC with the major support of Wallimage and the Netherlands Film Fund.